Tag: Decimal to 8 bit Binary

Decimal to Binary Conversion | Base 10 to base 2

Number System Conversions-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Basics of Number System.


In number system,

  • It is very important to have a good knowledge of how to convert numbers from one base to another base.
  • Here, we will learn how to convert any given number from base 10 to base 2.



Decimal to Binary Conversion-


A given number can be converted from base 10 to any other base using division method and multiplication method.


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Following two cases are possible-


Case-01: For Numbers Carrying No Fractional Part-


  • Division Method is used to convert such numbers from base 10 to another base.
  • The division is performed with the required base.


Steps To Convert From Base 10 to Base 2-


  • Divide the given number (in base 10) with 2 until the result finally left is less than 2.
  • Traverse the remainders from bottom to top to get the required number in base 2.


Case-02: For Numbers Carrying A Fractional Part-


To convert such numbers from base 10 to another base, real part and fractional part are treated separately.


For Real Part-


The steps involved in converting the real part from base 10 to another base are same as above.


For Fractional Part-


  • Multiplication Method is used to convert fractional part from base 10 to another base.
  • The multiplication is performed with the required base.


Steps To Convert From Base 10 To Base 2-


  • Multiply the given fraction (in base 10) with 2.
  • Write the real part and fractional part of the result so obtained separately.
  • Multiply the fractional part with 2.
  • Write the real part and fractional part of the result so obtained separately.
  • Repeat this procedure until the fractional part remains 0.
  • If fractional part does not terminate to 0, find the result up to as many places as required.


Required Number in Base 2

= Series of real part of multiplication results obtained in the above steps from top to bottom


Also Read- Conversion to Base 10






Convert the following numbers from base 10 to base 2-

  1. (18)10
  2. (18.625)10
  3. (172)10
  4. (172.878)10




1. (18)10


(18)10 → ( ? )2


Using division method, we have-



From here, (18)10 = (10010)2


2. (18.625)10


(18.625)10 → ( ? )2


Here, we treat the real part and fractional part separately-


For Real Part-


  • The real part is (18)10
  • We convert the real part from base 10 to base 2 using division method same as above.


So, (18)10 = (10010)2


For Fractional Part-


  • The fractional part is (0.625)10
  • We convert the fractional part from base 10 to base 2 using multiplication method.


Using multiplication method, we have-


Real part Fractional Part
0.625 x 2 1 0.25
0.25 x 2 0 0.50
0.50 x 2 1 0






  • Multiply 0.625 with 2. Result = 1.25.
  • Write 1 in real part and 0.25 in fractional part.




  • Multiply 0.25 with 2. Result = 0.50.
  • Write 0 in real part and 0.50 in fractional part.




  • Multiply 0.50 with 2. Result = 1.0.
  • Write 1 in real part and 0.0 in fractional part.


Since fractional part becomes 0, so we stop.


  • The fractional part terminates to 0 after 3 iterations.
  • Traverse the real part column from top to bottom to obtain the required number in base 2.


From here, (0.625)10 = (0.101)2


Combining the results of real part and fractional part, we have-

(18.625)10 = (10010.101)2


3. (172)10


(172)10 → ( ? )2


Using division method, we have-



From here, (172)10 = (10101100)2


4. (172.878)10


(172.878)10 → ( ? )2


Here, we treat the real part and fractional part separately-


For Real Part-


  • The real part is (172)10
  • We convert the real part from base 10 to base 2 using division method same as above.


So, (172)10 = (10101100)2


For Fractional Part-


  • The fractional part is (0.878)10
  • We convert the fractional part from base 10 to base 2 using multiplication method.


Using multiplication method, we have-


Real part Fractional Part
0.878 x 2 1 0.756
0.756 x 2 1 0.512
0.512 x 2 1 0.024
0.024 x 2 0 0.048


  • The fractional part does not terminates to 0 after several iterations.
  • So, let us find the value up to 4 decimal places.
  • Traverse the real part column from top to bottom to obtain the required number in base 2.


From here, (0.878)10 = (0.1110)2


Combining the results of real part and fractional part, we have-

(172.878)10 = (10101100.1110)2


To gain better understanding about Decimal to Binary Conversion,

Watch this Video Lecture


Next Article- Decimal to Octal Conversion


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