Tag: Software Engineering Easy Notes PDF

Cause Effect Graph Technique | Examples

Cause Effect Graph-


  • Cause Effect Graph is a popular black box testing technique.
  • It illustrates the relationship between a given outcome and all the factors that influence the outcome graphically.




  • A “Cause” stands for a distinct input condition that fetches about an internal change in the system.
  • An “Effect” represents an output condition, a system state that results from a combination of causes.




  • For analyzing the existing problem so that corrective actions can be taken at the earliest.
  • For relating the interactions of the system with the factors affecting a particular process.
  • For identifying the possible root causes, reasons for a particular effect, problem or outcome.




  • It helps to determine the root causes of a problem or quality.
  • It indicates possible causes of variation in a process.
  • It identifies those areas where data should be collected for further study.
  • It utilizes the team knowledge of the process by encouraging team participation.


Steps For Drawing Cause Effect Diagram-


The following steps are followed-

  • Identify and describe the input conditions (causes) and actions (effect).
  • Build up a cause-effect graph.
  • Convert cause-effect graph into a decision table.
  • Convert decision table rules to test cases where each column of the decision table represents a test case.






Design test cases for the following problem-

If the character of the first column is ‘A’ or ‘B’ and the second column is a number, then the file is considered updated. If the first character is erroneous, then message x should be printed. If the second column is not a number, then message y should be printed.






Identify and describe the input conditions (causes) and actions (effect).


The causes represented by letter “C” are as follows-

  • C1 : The character in column 1 is ‘A’
  • C2 : The character in column 1 is ‘B’
  • C3 : The character in column 2 is a number


The effects represented by letter “e” are as follows-

  • e1 : File update is made
  • e2 : Message x is printed
  • e3 : Message y is printed




Build up a cause-effect graph-





Convert cause-effect graph into a decision table-


Test data Causes Effect
A1 A2 A3 M1 M2 M3
1 0 0 0 0 1 1
2 0 0 1 0 1 0
3 0 1 0 0 0 1
4 0 1 1 1 0 0
5 1 0 0 0 0 1
6 1 0 1 1 0 0




Why Cause Effect Graphing Technique is Better Than Any Other Black Box Testing Technique?




  • Boundary value analysis and equivalence partitioning do not explore combinations of input circumstances.
  • These only consider the single input conditions.
  • However, combinations of inputs may result in interesting situations.
  • These situations should be tested.
  • By considering all the valid combinations of equivalence classes, there will be large number of test cases.
  • Many of these test cases will not be useful for revealing any new errors.


On the other hand,

  • Cause Effect Graph is a technique that helps in selecting a high-yield set of test cases in a systematic way.
  • It has a beneficial effect in pointing out incompleteness and ambiguities in the specifications.


To gain better understanding about Cause Effect Graph Technique,

Watch this Video Lecture


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Cyclomatic Complexity | Calculation | Examples

Cyclomatic Complexity-


Cyclomatic Complexity may be defined as-

  • It is a software metric that measures the logical complexity of the program code.
  • It counts the number of decisions in the given program code.
  • It measures the number of linearly independent paths through the program code.


Cyclomatic complexity indicates several information about the program code-


Cyclomatic Complexity Meaning
1 – 10
  • Structured and Well Written Code
  • High Testability
  • Less Cost and Effort
10 – 20
  • Complex Code
  • Medium Testability
  • Medium Cost and Effort
20 – 40
  • Very Complex Code
  • Low Testability
  • High Cost and Effort
> 40
  • Highly Complex Code
  • Not at all Testable
  • Very High Cost and Effort


Importance of Cyclomatic Complexity-


  • It helps in determining the software quality.
  • It is an important indicator of program code’s readability, maintainability and portability.
  • It helps the developers and testers to determine independent path executions.
  • It helps to focus more on the uncovered paths.
  • It evaluates the risk associated with the application or program.
  • It provides assurance to the developers that all the paths have been tested at least once.


Properties of Cyclomatic Complexity-


  • It is the maximum number of independent paths through the program code.
  • It depends only on the number of decisions in the program code.
  • Insertion or deletion of functional statements from the code does not affect its cyclomatic complexity.
  • It is always greater than or equal to 1.


Calculating Cyclomatic Complexity-


Cyclomatic complexity is calculated using the control flow representation of the program code.


In control flow representation of the program code,

  • Nodes represent parts of the code having no branches.
  • Edges represent possible control flow transfers during program execution


There are 3 commonly used methods for calculating the cyclomatic complexity-




Cyclomatic Complexity = Total number of closed regions in the control flow graph + 1




Cyclomatic Complexity = E – N + 2



  • E = Total number of edges in the control flow graph
  • N = Total number of nodes in the control flow graph




Cyclomatic Complexity = P + 1



P = Total number of predicate nodes contained in the control flow graph




  • Predicate nodes are the conditional nodes.
  • They give rise to two branches in the control flow graph.






Calculate cyclomatic complexity for the given code-

IF A = 354
   THEN IF B > C
        THEN A = B
        ELSE A = C




We draw the following control flow graph for the given code-



Using the above control flow graph, the cyclomatic complexity may be calculated as-




Cyclomatic Complexity

= Total number of closed regions in the control flow graph + 1

= 2 + 1

= 3




Cyclomatic Complexity

= E – N + 2

= 8 – 7 + 2

= 3




Cyclomatic Complexity

= P + 1

= 2 + 1

= 3




Calculate cyclomatic complexity for the given code-

{ int i, j, k;
  for (i=0 ; i<=N ; i++)
  p[i] = 1;
  for (i=2 ; i<=N ; i++)
     k = p[i]; j=1;
     while (a[p[j-1]] > a[k] {
         p[j] = p[j-1];




We draw the following control flow graph for the given code-



Using the above control flow graph, the cyclomatic complexity may be calculated as-




Cyclomatic Complexity

= Total number of closed regions in the control flow graph + 1

= 3 + 1

= 4




Cyclomatic Complexity

= E – N + 2

= 16 – 14 + 2

= 4




Cyclomatic Complexity

= P + 1

= 3 + 1

= 4




Calculate cyclomatic complexity for the given code-

begin int x, y, power;
      float z;
      input(x, y);
      power = -y;
      else power = y;
      {    z=z*x;
      } if(y<0)




We draw the following control flow graph for the given code-



Using the above control flow graph, the cyclomatic complexity may be calculated as-




Cyclomatic Complexity

= Total number of closed regions in the control flow graph + 1

= 3 + 1

= 4




Cyclomatic Complexity

= E – N + 2

= 16 – 14 + 2

= 4




Cyclomatic Complexity

= P + 1

= 3 + 1

= 4


To gain better understanding about Cyclomatic Complexity,

Watch this Video Lecture


Next Article- Cause Effect Graph Technique


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