Tag: Context Free Language

Algorithm To Decide Whether CFL Is Finite

Context Free Language-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Context Free Language.


We have discussed-

  • Context free language is generated using a context free grammar.
  • Each context free language is accepted by a Pushdown automaton.


In this article, we will discuss a decision algorithm of CFL.


Algorithm To Decide Whether CFL Is Finite Or Not-


For a given CFG, there exists an algorithm to decide whether its language is finite or not.




Reduce the given grammar completely by-

  • Eliminating ∈ productions
  • Eliminating unit productions
  • Eliminating useless productions


Also Watch- How To Reduce Grammar?




  • Draw a directed graph whose nodes are variables of the given grammar.
  • There exists an edge from node A to node B if there exists a production of the form A → αBβ.


Now, following 2 cases are possible-




  • Directed graph contains a cycle.
  • In this case, language of the given grammar is infinite.




  • Directed graph does not contain any cycle.
  • In this case, language of the given grammar is finite.


Also Read- Algorithm To Decide Whether CFL Is Empty






Check whether language of the following grammar is finite or not-

S → AB / a

A → BC / b

B → CC / c






The given grammar is already completely reduced.




We will draw a directed graph whose nodes will be S , A , B , C.



  • Due to the production S → AB, directed graph will have edges S → A and S → B.
  • Due to the production A → BC, directed graph will have edges A → B and A → C.
  • Due to the production B → CC, directed graph will have edge B → C.


The required directed graph is-




  • The directed graph does not contain any cycle.
  • Therefore, language of the given grammar is finite.




Check whether language of the following grammar is finite or not-

S → XS / b

X → YZ

Y → ab

Z → XY






The given grammar is already completely reduced.




We will draw a directed graph whose nodes will be S , X , Y , Z.



  • Due to the production S → XS / b, directed graph will have edges S → X and S → S.
  • Due to the production X → YZ, directed graph will have edges X → Y and X → Z.
  • Due to the production Z → XY, directed graph will have edges Z → X and Z → Y.


The required directed graph is-




  • The directed graph contain cycles.
  • Therefore, language of the given grammar is infinite.


Next Article- CYK Algorithm


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Algorithm To Decide Whether CFL Is Empty

Context Free Language-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Context Free Language.


We have discussed-

  • Context free language is generated using a context free grammar.
  • Each context free language is accepted by a Pushdown automaton.


In this article, we will discuss a decision algorithm of CFL.


Algorithm To Decide Whether CFL Is Empty Or Not-


If we can not derive any string of terminals from the given grammar,

then its language is called as an Empty Language.

L(G) = ϕ


For a given CFG, there exists an algorithm to decide whether its language is empty L(G) = ϕ or not.




  • Remove all the useless symbols from the grammar.
  • A useless symbol is one that does not derive any string of terminals.
  • If the start symbol is found to be useless, then language is empty otherwise not.



The language generated from a CFG is non-empty iff the start symbol is generating.




Consider the following grammar-

S → XY

X → AX

X → AA

A → a

Y → BY

Y → BB

B → b


Now, let us check whether language generated by this grammar is empty or not.


The given grammar can be written as-

S → aabb

X → aX

X → aa

A → a

Y → bY

Y → bb

B → b



  • The start symbol generates at least one string (many more are possible).
  • Therefore, start symbol is useful.
  • Thus, language generated by the given grammar is non-empty.


L(G) ≠ ϕ




If L(G) = { ∈ } i.e.

  • If the language generated by a grammar contains only a null string,
  • then it is considered as non-empty.


Next Article- Algorithm To Decide Whether CFL Is Finite


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Context Free Grammar | Context Free Language

Context Free Grammar-


A context Free Grammar (CFG) is a 4-tuple such that-

G = (V , T , P , S)


  • V = Finite non-empty set of variables / non-terminal symbols
  • T = Finite set of terminal symbols
  • P = Finite non-empty set of production rules of the form A → α where A ∈ V and α ∈ (V ∪ T)*
  • S = Start symbol


Why Context Free Grammar Is Called So?


Context Free Grammar provides no mechanism to restrict the usage of the production rule A → α within some specific context unlike other types of grammars.

That is why it is called as “Context Free” Grammar.




Consider a grammar G = (V , T , P , S) where-

  • V = { S }
  • T = { a , b }
  • P = { S → aSbS , S → bSaS , S → ∈ }
  • S = { S }


  • This grammar is an example of a context free grammar.
  • It generates the strings having equal number of a’s and b’s.




Consider a grammar G = (V , T , P , S) where-

  • V = { S }
  • T = { ( , ) }
  • P = { S → SS , S → (S) , S → ∈ }
  • S = { S }


  • This grammar is an example of a context free grammar.
  • It generates the strings of balanced parenthesis.




Context Free Grammar (CFG) is of great practical importance. It is used for following purposes-


  • For defining programming languages
  • For parsing the program by constructing syntax tree
  • For translation of programming languages
  • For describing arithmetic expressions
  • For construction of compilers


Context Free Language-


The language generated using Context Free Grammar is called as Context Free Language.




  • The context free languages are closed under union.
  • The context free languages are closed under concatenation.
  • The context free languages are closed under kleen closure.
  • The context free languages are not closed under intersection and complement.
  • The family of regular language is a proper subset of the family of context free language.
  • Each Context Free Language is accepted by a Pushdown automaton.



If L1 and L2 are two context free languages, then-

  • L1 ∪ L2 is also a context free language.
  • L1.L2 is also a context free language.
  • L1* and L2* are also context free languages.
  • L1 ∩ L2 is not a context free language.
  • L1′ and L2′ are not context free languages.


Ambiguity in Context Free Grammar-


A grammar is said to be ambiguous if for a given string generated by the grammar, there exists-

  • more than one leftmost derivation
  • or more than one rightmost derivation
  • or more than one parse tree (or derivation tree).


Read More- Grammar Ambiguity


To gain better understanding about Context Free Grammar,

Watch this Video Lecture


Next Article- Chomsky Normal Form


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