Tag: TCP Header Diagram

TCP Header | TCP Header Format | TCP Flags

Transmission Control Protocol-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on TCP in Networking.


We have discussed-

  • Transmission Control Protocol is a transport layer protocol.
  • It continuously receives data from the application layer.
  • It divides the data into chunks where each chunk is a collection of bytes.
  • It then creates TCP segments by adding a TCP header to the data chunks.
  • TCP segments are encapsulated in the IP datagram.


TCP segment = TCP header + Data chunk


In this article, we will discuss about TCP Header.


TCP Header-


The following diagram represents the TCP header format-



Let us discuss each field of TCP header one by one.


1. Source Port-


  • Source Port is a 16 bit field.
  • It identifies the port of the sending application.


2. Destination Port-


  • Destination Port is a 16 bit field.
  • It identifies the port of the receiving application.



It is important to note-

  • A TCP connection is uniquely identified by using-

Combination of port numbers and IP Addresses of sender and receiver

  • IP Addresses indicate which systems are communicating.
  • Port numbers indicate which end to end sockets are communicating.


3. Sequence Number-


  • Sequence number is a 32 bit field.
  • TCP assigns a unique sequence number to each byte of data contained in the TCP segment.
  • This field contains the sequence number of the first data byte.


4. Acknowledgement Number-


  • Acknowledgment number is a 32 bit field.
  • It contains sequence number of the data byte that receiver expects to receive next from the sender.
  • It is always sequence number of the last received data byte incremented by 1.


5. Header Length-


  • Header length is a 4 bit field.
  • It contains the length of TCP header.
  • It helps in knowing from where the actual data begins.


Minimum and Maximum Header length-


The length of TCP header always lies in the range-

[20 bytes , 60 bytes]


  • The initial 5 rows of the TCP header are always used.
  • So, minimum length of TCP header = 5 x 4 bytes = 20 bytes.
  • The size of the 6th row representing the Options field vary.
  • The size of Options field can go up to 40 bytes.
  • So, maximum length of TCP header = 20 bytes + 40 bytes = 60 bytes.


Concept of Scaling Factor-


  • Header length is a 4 bit field.
  • So, the range of decimal values that can be represented is [0, 15].
  • But the range of header length is [20, 60].
  • So, to represent the header length, we use a scaling factor of 4.


In general,


Header length = Header length field value x 4 bytes




  • If header length field contains decimal value 5 (represented as 0101), then-

Header length = 5 x 4 = 20 bytes

  • If header length field contains decimal value 10 (represented as 1010), then-

Header length = 10 x 4 = 40 bytes

  • If header length field contains decimal value 15 (represented as 1111), then-

Header length = 15 x 4 = 60 bytes



It is important to note-

  • Header length and Header length field value are two different things.
  • The range of header length field value is always [5, 15].
  • The range of header length is always [20, 60].


While solving questions-

  • If the given value lies in the range [5, 15] then it must be the header length field value.
  • This is because the range of header length is always [20, 60].


6. Reserved Bits-


  • The 6 bits are reserved.
  • These bits are not used.


7. URG Bit-


URG bit is used to treat certain data on an urgent basis.


When URG bit is set to 1,

  • It indicates the receiver that certain amount of data within the current segment is urgent.
  • Urgent data is pointed out by evaluating the urgent pointer field.
  • The urgent data has be prioritized.
  • Receiver forwards urgent data to the receiving application on a separate channel.


8. ACK Bit-


ACK bit indicates whether acknowledgement number field is valid or not.


  • When ACK bit is set to 1, it indicates that acknowledgement number contained in the TCP header is valid.
  • For all TCP segments except request segment, ACK bit is set to 1.
  • Request segment is sent for connection establishment during Three Way Handshake.


9. PSH Bit-


PSH bit is used to push the entire buffer immediately to the receiving application.


When PSH bit is set to 1,

  • All the segments in the buffer are immediately pushed to the receiving application.
  • No wait is done for filling the entire buffer.
  • This makes the entire buffer to free up immediately.



It is important to note-

  • Unlike URG bit, PSH bit does not prioritize the data.
  • It just causes all the segments in the buffer to be pushed immediately to the receiving application.
  • The same order is maintained in which the segments arrived.
  • It is not a good practice to set PSH bit = 1.
  • This is because it disrupts the working of receiver’s CPU and forces it to take an action immediately.


10. RST Bit-


RST bit is used to reset the TCP connection.


When RST bit is set to 1,

  • It indicates the receiver to terminate the connection immediately.
  • It causes both the sides to release the connection and all its resources abnormally.
  • The transfer of data ceases in both the directions.
  • It may result in the loss of data that is in transit.


This is used only when-

  • There are unrecoverable errors.
  • There is no chance of terminating the TCP connection normally.


11. SYN Bit-


SYN bit is used to synchronize the sequence numbers.


When SYN bit is set to 1,

  • It indicates the receiver that the sequence number contained in the TCP header is the initial sequence number.
  • Request segment sent for connection establishment during Three way handshake contains SYN bit set to 1.


12. FIN Bit-


FIN bit is used to terminate the TCP connection.


When FIN bit is set to 1,

  • It indicates the receiver that the sender wants to terminate the connection.
  • FIN segment sent for TCP Connection Termination contains FIN bit set to 1.


13. Window Size-


  • Window size is a 16 bit field.
  • It contains the size of the receiving window of the sender.
  • It advertises how much data (in bytes) the sender can receive without acknowledgement.
  • Thus, window size is used for Flow Control.



It is important to note-

  • The window size changes dynamically during data transmission.
  • It usually increases during TCP transmission up to a point where congestion is detected.
  • After congestion is detected, the window size is reduced to avoid having to drop packets.


14. Checksum-


  • Checksum is a 16 bit field used for error control.
  • It verifies the integrity of data in the TCP payload.
  • Sender adds CRC checksum to the checksum field before sending the data.
  • Receiver rejects the data that fails the CRC check.


Also Read- CRC | Checksum


15. Urgent Pointer-


  • Urgent pointer is a 16 bit field.
  • It indicates how much data in the current segment counting from the first data byte is urgent.
  • Urgent pointer added to the sequence number indicates the end of urgent data byte.
  • This field is considered valid and evaluated only if the URG bit is set to 1.





Number of urgent bytes = Urgent pointer + 1



End of urgent byte

= Sequence number of the first byte in the segment + Urgent pointer


16. Options-


  • Options field is used for several purposes.
  • The size of options field vary from 0 bytes to 40 bytes.


Options field is generally used for the following purposes-

  1. Time stamp
  2. Window size extension
  3. Parameter negotiation
  4. Padding


A. Time Stamp-


When wrap around time is less than life time of a segment,

  • Multiple segments having the same sequence number may appear at the receiver side.
  • This makes it difficult for the receiver to identify the correct segment.
  • If time stamp is used, it marks the age of TCP segments.
  • Based on the time stamp, receiver can identify the correct segment.


B. Window Size Extension-


  • Options field may be used to represent a window size greater than 16 bits.
  • Using window size field of TCP header, window size of only 16 bits can be represented.
  • If the receiver wants to receive more data, it can advertise its greater window size using this field.
  • The extra bits are then appended in Options field.


C. Parameter Negotiation-


Options field is used for parameters negotiation.

Example- During connection establishment,

  • Both sender and receiver have to specify their maximum segment size.
  • To specify maximum segment size, there is no special field.
  • So, they specify their maximum segment size using this field and negotiates.


D. Padding-


  • Addition of dummy data to fill up unused space in the transmission unit and make it conform to the standard size is called as padding.
  • Options field is used for padding.




  • When header length is not a multiple of 4, extra zeroes are padded in the Options field.
  • By doing so, header length becomes a multiple of 4.
  • If header length = 30 bytes, 2 bytes of dummy data is added to the header.
  • This makes header length = 32 bytes.
  • Then, the value 32 / 4 = 8 is put in the header length field.
  • In worst case, 3 bytes of dummy data might have to be padded to make the header length a multiple of 4.


Also Read- IPv4 Header | UDP Header


To gain better understanding about TCP Header,

Watch this Video Lecture


Next Article- TCP Sequence Number | Wrap Around Time


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