Tag: Union Operator SQL

Set Theory Operators | Relational Algebra | DBMS

Relational Algebra Operators-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Introduction to Relational Algebra.


The operators in relational algebra are classified as-



In this article, we will discuss about Set Theory Operators.


Set Theory Operators-


Following operators are called as set theory operators-



  1. Union Operator (∪)
  2. Intersection Operator (∩)
  3. Difference Operator (-)


Condition For Using Set Theory Operators


To use set theory operators on two relations,

The two relations must be union compatible.

Union compatible property means-

  • Both the relations must have same number of attributes.
  • The attribute domains (types of values accepted by attributes) of both the relations must be compatible.


Also read- Selection Operator and Projection Operator


1. Union Operator (∪)-


Let R and S be two relations.


  • R ∪ S is the set of all tuples belonging to either R or S or both.
  • In R ∪ S, duplicates are automatically removed.
  • Union operation is both commutative and associative.




Consider the following two relations R and S-


ID Name Subject
100 Ankit English
200 Pooja Maths
300 Komal Science

Relation R


ID Name Subject
100 Ankit English
400 Kajol French

Relation S


Then, R ∪ S is-


ID Name Subject
100 Ankit English
200 Pooja Maths
300 Komal Science
400 Kajol French

Relation R ∪ S


2. Intersection Operator (∩)-


Let R and S be two relations.


  • R ∩ S is the set of all tuples belonging to both R and S.
  • In R ∩ S, duplicates are automatically removed.
  • Intersection operation is both commutative and associative.




Consider the following two relations R and S-


ID Name Subject
100 Ankit English
200 Pooja Maths
300 Komal Science

Relation R


ID Name Subject
100 Ankit English
400 Kajol French

Relation S


Then, R ∩ S is-


ID Name Subject
100 Ankit English

Relation R ∩ S


3. Difference Operator (-)-


Let R and S be two relations.


  • R – S is the set of all tuples belonging to R and not to S.
  • In R – S, duplicates are automatically removed.
  • Difference operation is associative but not commutative.




Consider the following two relations R and S-


ID Name Subject
100 Ankit English
200 Pooja Maths
300 Komal Science

Relation R


ID Name Subject
100 Ankit English
400 Kajol French

Relation S


Then, R – S is-


ID Name Subject
200 Pooja Maths
300 Komal Science

Relation R – S


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