Cache Mapping | Cache Mapping Techniques

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Cache Memory-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Cache Memory.


We have discussed-


Cache memory bridges the speed mismatch between the processor and the main memory.


When cache hit occurs,

  • The required word is present in the cache memory.
  • The required word is delivered to the CPU from the cache memory.


When cache miss occurs,

  • The required word is not present in the cache memory.
  • The page containing the required word has to be mapped from the main memory.
  • This mapping is performed using cache mapping techniques.


In this article, we will discuss different cache mapping techniques.


Cache Mapping-


  • Cache mapping defines how a block from the main memory is mapped to the cache memory in case of a cache miss.


  • Cache mapping is a technique by which the contents of main memory are brought into the cache memory.


The following diagram illustrates the mapping process-



Now, before proceeding further, it is important to note the following points-




  • Main memory is divided into equal size partitions called as blocks or frames.
  • Cache memory is divided into partitions having same size as that of blocks called as lines.
  • During cache mapping, block of main memory is simply copied to the cache and the block is not actually brought from the main memory.


Cache Mapping Techniques-


Cache mapping is performed using following three different techniques-



  1. Direct Mapping
  2. Fully Associative Mapping
  3. K-way Set Associative Mapping


1. Direct Mapping-


In direct mapping,

  • A particular block of main memory can map only to a particular line of the cache.
  • The line number of cache to which a particular block can map is given by-


Cache line number

= ( Main Memory Block Address ) Modulo (Number of lines in Cache)




  • Consider cache memory is divided into ‘n’ number of lines.
  • Then, block ‘j’ of main memory can map to line number (j mod n) only of the cache.



Need of Replacement Algorithm-


In direct mapping,

  • There is no need of any replacement algorithm.
  • This is because a main memory block can map only to a particular line of the cache.
  • Thus, the new incoming block will always replace the existing block (if any) in that particular line.


Division of Physical Address-


In direct mapping, the physical address is divided as-



2. Fully Associative Mapping-


In fully associative mapping,

  • A block of main memory can map to any line of the cache that is freely available at that moment.
  • This makes fully associative mapping more flexible than direct mapping.




Consider the following scenario-




  • All the lines of cache are freely available.
  • Thus, any block of main memory can map to any line of the cache.
  • Had all the cache lines been occupied, then one of the existing blocks will have to be replaced.


Need of Replacement Algorithm-


In fully associative mapping,

  • A replacement algorithm is required.
  • Replacement algorithm suggests the block to be replaced if all the cache lines are occupied.
  • Thus, replacement algorithm like FCFS Algorithm, LRU Algorithm etc is employed.


Division of Physical Address-


In fully associative mapping, the physical address is divided as-



3. K-way Set Associative Mapping-


In k-way set associative mapping,

  • Cache lines are grouped into sets where each set contains k number of lines.
  • A particular block of main memory can map to only one particular set of the cache.
  • However, within that set, the memory block can map any cache line that is freely available.
  • The set of the cache to which a particular block of the main memory can map is given by-


Cache set number

= ( Main Memory Block Address ) Modulo (Number of sets in Cache)


Also Read- Set Associative Mapping | Implementation and Formulas




Consider the following example of 2-way set associative mapping-




  • k = 2 suggests that each set contains two cache lines.
  • Since cache contains 6 lines, so number of sets in the cache = 6 / 2 = 3 sets.
  • Block ‘j’ of main memory can map to set number (j mod 3) only of the cache.
  • Within that set, block ‘j’ can map to any cache line that is freely available at that moment.
  • If all the cache lines are occupied, then one of the existing blocks will have to be replaced.


Need of Replacement Algorithm-


  • Set associative mapping is a combination of direct mapping and fully associative mapping.
  • It uses fully associative mapping within each set.
  • Thus, set associative mapping requires a replacement algorithm.


Division of Physical Address-


In set associative mapping, the physical address is divided as-



Special Cases-


  • If k = 1, then k-way set associative mapping becomes direct mapping i.e.


1-way Set Associative Mapping ≡ Direct Mapping


  • If k = Total number of lines in the cache, then k-way set associative mapping becomes fully associative mapping.


Next Article- Direct Mapping | Implementation & Formulas


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Cache Mapping | Cache Mapping Techniques
Article Name
Cache Mapping | Cache Mapping Techniques
Cache mapping is a technique that defines how contents of main memory are brought into cache. Cache Mapping Techniques- Direct Mapping, Fully Associative Mapping, K-way Set Associative Mapping.
Publisher Name
Gate Vidyalay
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