Equivalence of Two Sets of Functional Dependencies

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Equivalence of Two Sets of Functional Dependencies-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Functional Dependency.



  • Two different sets of functional dependencies for a given relation may or may not be equivalent.
  • If F and G are the two sets of functional dependencies, then following 3 cases are possible-


Case-01: F covers G (F ⊇ G)

Case-02: G covers F (G ⊇ F)

Case-03: Both F and G cover each other (F = G)


Case-01: Determining Whether F Covers G-


Following steps are followed to determine whether F covers G or not-




  • Take the functional dependencies of set G into consideration.
  • For each functional dependency X → Y, find the closure of X using the functional dependencies of set G.




  • Take the functional dependencies of set G into consideration.
  • For each functional dependency X → Y, find the closure of X using the functional dependencies of set F.




  • Compare the results of Step-01 and Step-02.
  • If the functional dependencies of set F has determined all those attributes that were determined by the functional dependencies of set G, then it means F covers G.
  • Thus, we conclude F covers G (F ⊇ G) otherwise not.


Case-02: Determining Whether G Covers F-


Following steps are followed to determine whether G covers F or not-




  • Take the functional dependencies of set F into consideration.
  • For each functional dependency X → Y, find the closure of X using the functional dependencies of set F.




  • Take the functional dependencies of set F into consideration.
  • For each functional dependency X → Y, find the closure of X using the functional dependencies of set G.




  • Compare the results of Step-01 and Step-02.
  • If the functional dependencies of set G has determined all those attributes that were determined by the functional dependencies of set F, then it means G covers F.
  • Thus, we conclude G covers F (G ⊇ F) otherwise not.


Case-03: Determining Whether Both F and G Cover Each Other-


  • If F covers G and G covers F, then both F and G cover each other.
  • Thus, if both the above cases hold true, we conclude both F and G cover each other (F = G).






A relation R (A , C , D , E , H) is having two functional dependencies sets F and G as shown-


Set F-

A → C

AC → D

E → AD

E → H


Set G-

A → CD

E → AH


Which of the following holds true?

(A) G ⊇ F

(B) F ⊇ G

(C) F = G

(D) All of the above




Determining whether F covers G-




  • (A)+ = { A , C , D }               // closure of left side of A → CD using set G
  • (E)+ = { A , C , D , E , H }    // closure of left side of E → AH using set G




  • (A)+ = { A , C , D }               // closure of left side of A → CD using set F
  • (E)+ = { A , C , D , E , H }    // closure of left side of E → AH using set F




Comparing the results of Step-01 and Step-02, we find-

  • Functional dependencies of set F can determine all the attributes which have been determined by the functional dependencies of set G.
  • Thus, we conclude F covers G i.e. F ⊇ G.


Determining whether G covers F-




  • (A)+ = { A , C , D }               // closure of left side of A → C using set F
  • (AC)+ = { A , C , D }            // closure of left side of AC → D using set F
  • (E)+ = { A , C , D , E , H }    // closure of left side of E → AD and E → H using set F




  • (A)+ = { A , C , D }                // closure of left side of A → C using set G
  • (AC)+ = { A , C , D }             // closure of left side of AC → D using set G
  • (E)+ = { A , C , D , E , H }    // closure of left side of E → AD and E → H using set G




Comparing the results of Step-01 and Step-02, we find-

  • Functional dependencies of set G can determine all the attributes which have been determined by the functional dependencies of set F.
  • Thus, we conclude G covers F i.e. G ⊇ F.


Determining whether both F and G cover each other-


  • From Step-01, we conclude F covers G.
  • From Step-02, we conclude G covers F.
  • Thus, we conclude both F and G cover each other i.e. F = G.


Thus, Option (D) is correct.


Next Article- Canonical Cover in DBMS


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Equivalence of Two Sets of Functional Dependencies
Article Name
Equivalence of Two Sets of Functional Dependencies
Functional Dependencies Equivalence- Two sets of functional dependencies may or may not be equivalent. Three cases are possible- F covers G, G covers F, Both F and G cover each other.
Publisher Name
Gate Vidyalay
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