Quadruples, Triples and Indirect Triples

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Three Address Code-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Three Address Code.


We have discussed-

  • Three Address Code is a form of an intermediate code.
  • It is generated by the compiler for implementing Code Optimization.
  • It uses maximum three addresses to represent any statement.


In this article, we will discuss Implementation of Three Address Code.




Three Address Code is implemented as a record with the address fields.


The commonly used representations for implementing Three Address Code are-



  1. Quadruples
  2. Triples
  3. Indirect Triples


1. Quadruples-


In quadruples representation, each instruction is splitted into the following 4 different fields-

op, arg1, arg2, result


  • The op field is used for storing the internal code of the operator.
  • The arg1 and arg2 fields are used for storing the two operands used.
  • The result field is used for storing the result of the expression.




There are following exceptions-




To represent the statement x = op y, we place-

  • op in the operator field
  • y in the arg1 field
  • x in the result field
  • arg2 field remains unused




To represent the statement like param t1, we place-

  • param in the operator field
  • t1 in the arg1 field
  • Neither arg2 field nor result field is used




To represent the unconditional and conditional jump statements, we place label of the target in the result field.


2. Triples-


In triples representation,

  • References to the instructions are made.
  • Temporary variables are not used.


3. Indirect Triples-


  • This representation is an enhancement over triples representation.
  • It uses an additional instruction array to list the pointers to the triples in the desired order.
  • Thus, instead of position, pointers are used to store the results.
  • It allows the optimizers to easily re-position the sub-expression for producing the optimized code.






Translate the following expression to quadruple, triple and indirect triple-

a + b x c / e ↑ f + b x c




Three Address Code for the given expression is-


T1 = e ↑ f

T2 = b x c

T3 = T2 / T1

T4 = b x a

T5 = a + T3

T6 = T5 + T4


Now, we write the required representations-


Quadruple Representation-


Location Op Arg1 Arg2 Result
(0) e f T1
(1) x b c T2
(2) / T2 T1 T3
(3) x b a T4
(4) + a T3 T5
(5) + T5 T4 T6


Triple Representation-


Location Op Arg1 Arg2
(0) e f
(1) x b c
(2) / (1) (0)
(3) x b a
(4) + a (2)
(5) + (4) (3)


Indirect Triple Representation-


35 (0)
36 (1)
37 (2)
38 (3)
39 (4)
40 (5)


Location Op Arg1 Arg2
(0) e f
(1) x b e
(2) / (1) (0)
(3) x b a
(4) + a (2)
(5) + (4) (3)




Translate the following expression to quadruple, triple and indirect triple-

a = b x – c + b x – c




Three Address Code for the given expression is-


T1 = uminus c

T2 = b x T1

T3 = uminus c

T4 = b x T3

T5 = T2 + T4

a = T5


Now, we write the required representations-


Quadruple Representation-


Location Op Arg1 Arg2 Result
(1) uminus c T1
(2) x b T1 T2
(3) uminus c T3
(4) x b T3 T4
(5) + T2 T4 T5
(6) = T5 a


Triple Representation-


Location Op Arg1 Arg2
(1) uminus c
(2) x b (1)
(3) uminus c
(4) x b (3)
(5) + (2) (4)
(6) = a (5)


Indirect Triple Representation-


35 (1)
36 (2)
37 (3)
38 (4)
39 (5)
40 (6)


Location Op Arg1 Arg2
(1) uminus c
(2) x b (1)
(3) uminus c
(4) x b (3)
(5) + (2) (4)
(6) = a (5)


To gain better understanding about Quadruples, Triples and Indirect Triples,

Watch this Video Lecture


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Next Article- Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs


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Quadruples, Triples and Indirect Triples
Article Name
Quadruples, Triples and Indirect Triples
In compiler design, Three Address Code is implemented as a record with address fields. Representations used are-Quadruples, Triples and Indirect Triples. Problems On Quadruples, Triples and Indirect Triples.
Publisher Name
Gate Vidyalay
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