Logic Gates | Definitions | Types | Symbols | Truth Tables

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Logic Gates-


Logic Gates may be defined as-


Logic gates are the digital circuits capable of performing a particular logic function

by operating on a number of binary inputs.


Logic gates are the basic building blocks of any digital circuit.


Types Of Logic Gates-


Logic gates can be broadly classified as-



In this article, we will discuss about Basic Logic Gates.


Basic Logic Gates-


Basic Logic Gates are the fundamental logic gates using which universal logic gates and other logic gates are constructed.


They have the following properties-

  • Basic logic gates are associative in nature.
  • Basic logic gates are commutative in nature.


There are following three basic logic gates-

  1. AND Gate
  2. OR Gate
  3. NOT Gate


1. AND Gate-


  • The output of AND gate is high (‘1’) if all of its inputs are high (‘1’).
  • The output of AND gate is low (‘0’) if any one of its inputs is low (‘0’).


Logic Symbol-


The logic symbol for AND Gate is as shown below-



Truth Table-


The truth table for AND Gate is as shown below-


A B Y = A.B
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Truth Table


Timing Diagram-


The timing diagram for AND Gate is as shown below-



2. OR Gate-


  • The output of OR gate is high (‘1’) if any one of its inputs is high (‘1’).
  • The output of OR gate is low (‘0’) if all of its inputs are low (‘0’).


Logic Symbol-


The logic symbol for OR Gate is as shown below-



Truth Table-


The truth table for OR Gate is as shown below-


A B Y = A + B
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

Truth Table


Timing Diagram-


The timing diagram for OR Gate is as shown below-



Also Read- Alternative Logic Gates


3. NOT Gate-


  • The output of NOT gate is high (‘1’) if its input is low (‘0’).
  • The output of NOT gate is low (‘0’) if its input is high (‘1’).


From here-

  • It is clear that NOT gate simply inverts the given input.
  • Since NOT gate simply inverts the given input, therefore it is also known as Inverter Gate.


Logic Symbol-


The logic symbol for NOT Gate is as shown below-



Truth Table-


The truth table for NOT Gate is as shown below-


A Y = A’
0 1
1 0

Truth Table


Timing Diagram-


The timing diagram for NOT Gate is as shown below-



To gain better understanding about Logic Gates,

Watch this Video Lecture


Next Article- Universal Logic Gates


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Logic Gates | Definitions | Types | Symbols | Truth Tables
Article Name
Logic Gates | Definitions | Types | Symbols | Truth Tables
Logic gates are defined as the basic building blocks of any digital circuit. Logic Gates Definitions, Types, Symbols and Truth Tables are discussed. There are 3 basic logic gates- AND Gate, OR Gate, NOT Gate.
Publisher Name
Gate Vidyalay
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