Non-Deterministic Finite Automata-
Non-Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA / NFA) is an automata in which
for some current state and input symbol, there exists more than one next output states. |
It is also known as Non-Deterministic Finite Accepter (NFA).
Formal Definition-
Non-Deterministic Finite Automata is defined by the quintuple-
M = (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
- Q = finite set of states
- ∑ = non-empty finite set of symbols called as input alphabets
- δ : Q x ∑ → 2Q is a total function called as transition function
- q0 ∈ Q is the initial state
- F ⊆ Q is a set of final states
Example of Non-Deterministic Finite Automata Without Epsilon-
Following automata is an example of Non-Deterministic Finite Automata without epsilon-
The above NFA can be defined in form of five tuples as-
{ {A, B, C, D, E, F}, {a, b, c}, δ, A, {D, F} }
- {A, B, C, D, E, F} refers to the set of states
- {a, b, c} refers to the set of input alphabets
- δ refers to the transition function
- A refers to the the initial state
- {D, F} refers to the set of final states
Transition function δ is defined as-
- δ (A, a) = B
- δ (A, a) = E
- δ (B, b) = C
- δ (C, c) = D
- δ (E, b) = F
- δ (F, c) = E
Transition Table for the above Non-Deterministic Finite Automata is-
States / Alphabets | a | b | c |
A | {B, F} | – | – |
B | – | C | – |
C | – | – | D |
D | – | – | – |
E | – | F | – |
F | – | – | E |
Example of Non-Deterministic Finite Automata With Epsilon-
Following automata is an example of Non-Deterministic Finite Automata with epsilon-
The above NFA can be defined in form of five tuples as-
{ {A, B, C}, {0, 1}, δ, A, {A} }
- {A, B, C} refers to the set of states
- {0, 1} refers to the set of input alphabets
- δ refers to the transition function
- A refers to the the initial state
- {A} refers to the set of final states
Transition function δ is defined as-
- δ (A, 1) = B
- δ (A, ∈) = C
- δ (B, 0) = A
- δ (B, 0) = C
- δ (B, 1) = C
Transition Table for the above Non-Deterministic Finite Automata is-
States / Alphabets | 0 | 1 | ∈ |
A | – | B | C |
B | {A, C} | C | – |
C | – | – | – |
Dead Configuration or Trap State-
In Non-Deterministic Finite Automata,
- The result of a transition function may be empty.
- In such a case, automata gets stopped forcefully after entering that configuration.
- This type of configuration is known as dead configuration.
- The string gets rejected after entering the dead configuration.
Equivalence of DFA and NFA-
Two finite accepters are said to be equal in power if they both accepts the same language.
DFA and NFA are both exactly equal in power. |
Consider a language L(M) = { (10)n : n >= 0 }
Equivalent NFA for the language L(M) is-
Equivalent DFA for the language L(M) is-
- Both the above automata accepts the same language L(M).
- Thus, both are equal in power.
Important Points
It is important to note the following points-
Acceptance by NFA-
A string ‘w’ is said to be accepted by a NFA if
there exists at least one transition path on which we start at initial state and ends at final state. δ* (q0, w) = F |
Consider the following NFA-
For the string w = ab,
- There exists two transition paths.
- One transition path starts at initial state and ends at final state.
- Therefore, string w = ab is accepted by the NFA.
To gain better understanding about Non-Deterministic Finite Automata,
Next Article- Converting NFA to DFA
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